The SMARTLINK® DS provides highly accurate positioning, with continuous duty, maintenance-free operation. The SMARTLINK® DS offers many advantages and flexible feature configurations, making it well-suited for a myriad of industrial applications. It is a general purpose control actuator designed for the precise control of air, fuel, gas, steam, chemicals and liquids for industrial combustion applications, as well as for general industrial process control applications.
Simple wiring; standard communications protocols include analog 4-20 mA or Modbus which enables a wide range of positioning and health reporting capabilities. Diverse application needs can be easily met by selecting from a number of product options: two torque offerings, local user display, AC or DC power input, hazardous location approvals. All models provide highly reliable, precise and repeatable operation with continuous modulation.
Available configurations include actuator only (DSSA), actuator with valve mounting bracket (DSCA), actuator coupled with a butterfly valve (DSCV), actuator coupled with a ball valve (DSBV) or mounted on a selection of Maxon burners.
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